Monday, November 11, 2013

How many cat breeds can you name?

The Cat in Ancient Egypt

Cats play a huge role in Egyptian culture. Ancient Egypt is known to have always had a fascination with cats. Parents in Egypt even name their children after cats. Cats have become an integral part of Egyptian family life.

 "Probably the greatest testimony to cats were the cults and celebrations the ancient Egyptians devoted to Bastet. In northern Egypt, around 3200 B.C., the city Bubastis came into being. This was the center of worship for the goddess Bastet, which simply means "she who comes from Bast." Once a year around October 31, the festival of Bastet would occur with hundreds of thousands of people making pilgrimages to Bubastis and other ancient cities including Memphis. There was singing and wine and wild behavior. And as the evening ended, there was also prayers to Bastet, accompanied by music and incense."

The Cat in Ancient Egypt

African Serval Jump

I would never recommend having an African Serval as a pet. However, with proper education and experience, some people have been able to domesticate their Serval. Check out this video to see exactly why it would be difficult to have an African Serval as a pet in your home.

Breaking: Sumatran Tiger Cubs Born at the National Zoo | Around The Mall

Breaking: Sumatran Tiger Cubs Born at the National Zoo | Around The Mall

Cats Around the World

6 places where cats outshine tourist attractions

From Rome to Taiwan, feline interlopers often outshine the official tourist attractions. 
Who knew you could travel to places where cats were the attraction? Anyone know of any other places?